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Bob The Builder - Bob's Winning Team [1999] [DVD]

Bob The Builder - Bob's Winning Team [1999] [DVD]

Eight sports-themed escapades with the world's favourite construction worker. In 'Wendy's Big Match' Bob struggles to tidy his yard in time for a builder's contest. 'Wendy's Tennis Court' sees Spud make a mess of things when the gang attempt to build a tennis court. 'Bob's Barnraising' has Bob help Farmer Pickles to fix up his barn at harvest time. 'Eskimo Bob' finds Bob trying his hand at some skiing. 'Clumsy Roley' sees Roley causing trouble when he starts flattening things accidentally. 'One Shot Wendy' has the team build a crazy golf course. 'Bob on the Run' finds the machines doing their bit for charity when they offer to hold a sponsored demolition. Finally, in 'Pilchard Goes Fishing', Pilchard makes sport of Bob's goldfish. Also includes three mini adventures: 'Lofty the Football Star', 'Pilchard Has a Ball', and 'Dizzy Scores a Goal'.

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