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Celtic Minded 2

Celtic Minded 2

This follow-up to the succesful Celtic Minded carries on from where the original left off. While it touches many similar socio-economic, religious and political themes to the first book this work also includes more straight forward football related articles. It also eloquently responds to some of the questionably motivated criticisms of the original.

The list of the contributors is again varied and impressive with James MacMillan and Dr Joseph M Bradley joined this time by Tom Campbell,

ex-striker George McClusky, Wolfe Tone singer-songwriter Derek Warfield, Irish Post columnist Joe Horgan and many more.


Probably one of the most controversial books about Celtic and Celtic supporters 'Celtic Minded' is essential reading for those of us who believe the Hoops are so much more than just a football team.

On another hand, it's quite a landmark in football writings. Academic yet accessible, it shifts away from the mundane simple middle of the road writings that fill up the shelves on football, and instead goes for a fresh cerebral approach.

With contributions from Dr Joseph M Bradley, composer James MacMillan, Lisbon Lion Tommy Gemmell and many others the book is essentially a collection of essays about what it means to be part of Celtic.

Critics sniffed at the "overt Irishness" of the book and while its contents will not be everyone's cup of tea many of the points raised within its pages are valid.

At times it can be heavy going and some contributions are naturally superior to others. Its certainly not a book for those who don't like their football-related literature to stray too far from the pitch.

But for those with a keen interest in Celtic FC as a cultural institution this is at times a fascinating and thought provoking read and you can't help but wonder if the real reason many in the Scottish media criticised this work was because the truth can really hurt.

As in many other countries, football in Scotland involves not only kicking a ball and winning trophies but issues relating to finance, power, politics, religion, community, humour, popular culture and identity.

The first Celtic Minded book (2004) explored aspects of the supporting culture that revolves around one of Scotland 's biggest sporting institutions, Celtic FC.

Celtic Minded 2 takes that story further with serious, witty, informative and reflective research and views on Celtic supporters' history, experience and culture.

This book emerges from a series of wider football and society studies by Dr Joseph Bradley, a lecturer in Sports Studies at the University of Stirling.

In the book Dr Bradley has written an extensive thesis exploring the Scottish Executive's campaign ‘One Scotland Many Cultures' in relation to football. Each of the other contributors provides an essay exploring aspects of the culture and identity of the Celtic fans.

Celtic Minded 2 constitutes a wonderful examination of what a football club means and represents to a community.

Contributions originate from people from varied social, religious and ethnic backgrounds including from Ireland , Canada , England and Scotland : from members of the worldwide Irish diaspora and from those attracted to or simply interested in the meaningfulness of Celtic fan culture.

This book reflects upon the descendants of the Irish in Scotland who contribute to modern Scotland as a multi-cultured society. It is a book that challenges much of the established and embedded knowledge especially reflected in the media that exists about sectarianism, ethnicity and football in Scotland.

The book aims to contribute to a better understanding of key aspects of modern Scottish society.

Celtic Captain Neil Lennon says: “Having read Celtic Minded 2 I am convinced that its contributors have captured the true essence of Celtic and articulated the very soul and passion that constitutes this great club's support.”

Celtic Minded 2 is stimulating, thought provoking and a significant contribution towards Scotland holding up a mirror and understanding itself.

Keep The Faith

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